This is a quick and easy shrimp fried rice recipe that my kids all love! This recipe is best warm and fresh, but will keep airtight in the refrigerator for up to 5 days or in the freezer for up to 4 months....
Chicken fried rice, just like they serve in the restaurants! A stir fry with chicken, rice, soy sauce and veggies like peas, carrots, celery and bell peppers. This is something my sister just sort of whipped...
This is my revised version of another pork fried rice recipe. I often substitute chicken for pork, and it doesn't change anything. I have used both basmati rice and long-grain rice which gives the dish...
A few leftovers and bits from the fridge turn into a great dinner in less than 45 minutes! If I have a leftover grilled pork chop or the tail of a roast, I freeze it until I have enough for this dish....
Fried rice with an Asian accent goes well with many things. Perfect alongside chicken and beef, but equally good with salmon, shrimp, or scallops. This comes together quickly, so get all of your ingredients...
Chicken, rice, soy sauce and shredded egg stir fried together. This is a very simple recipe. It is easy, but tasty! Note: Never use rice that you have just cooked.
One of my favorite parts of hibachi is the fried rice and I was determined to make it at home. This recipe is quick and easy and is sure to be a big hit. I enjoy using left-over teriyaki chicken in my...
This is a great recipe that your family will love and is easy to make. Cook the rice a day ahead or buy some from a local Asian restaurant. The quality of the ham used makes a big difference in the recipe...
This fried rice is very easy and so popular for Thai and Chinese. Try this recipe and you'll find it is very nice taste. Serve with chili in fish sauce or called in Thai 'Nam Pla Prik.' Enjoy!!!
This is a staple of Thai cooking. Adjust the spices to your own tastes for a really great use for leftover rice!! I get the basil from a local Asian market. It has a different flavor than that of regular...
I make this fried rice recipe with tofu all the time, as we always seem to have leftover cooked rice. You can add other vegetables or leftover cooked chicken as well. Make sure you have all your ingredients...
This Thai fried rice is called American fried rice (Khao Pad American) in Thailand, because it uses ingredients that are considered American, like ketchup and bacon. It is very popular in Thailand and...
This colorful, delicious, and wholesome dish will have your family begging for more--or it does at least in our family. It's amazingly easy to make, and will be on your table in minutes!
This fried rice with ground beef is great with red wine, candlelight, and jazz music. Ok, this is the recipe my father's second wife said "captured my father" ... who knows? But it is very delicious! You...
Tired of the same ol' fried rice? Well, this will add a kick to any of your favorite fried rice recipe by adding kimchi. If you love kimchi, you will surely love this recipe. You can substitute butter...
Great side dish that doesn't take long to prepare and has lots of flavor. Don't cook the bacon too much; you don't want it to have a crunchy texture. This makes excellent leftovers!
This fried rice is made with ground beef, and is Thai home cooking at its best! Enjoy the delicious flavor that the soy sauce, fish sauce, and fresh tomato bring to this version of fried rice.
This is how I like to use up leftovers from our favorite take-out meal of Chinese roast duck and barbequed pork. Ingredient amounts may vary depending on what's left from your meal. But fried rice dishes...
A simple and easy recipe to feed a hungry family. I took different variations of fried rice recipes I found and used ingredients and techniques I liked and that were easy.
This is an easy-to-prepare fried rice dished passed down by my Japanese mother. You won't find anything like it in the restaurants. Every time we have a family get-together or a covered dish luncheon at...
Ground beef and fragrant jasmine rice are tossed with bright Thai flavors to make a quick meal for two. Adjust the chili peppers to your family's tastes.
Loaded with shrimp, ham, chicken, and veggies, just like in your favorite Chinese restaurant. This 'House' Fried Rice is delicious and an excellent use of leftovers! Feel free to substitute ingredients,...
This curried fried rice is my very own creation. I'm the kind of person who cooks without measuring anything, so the measurements listed here are only estimates. I think that all the fun of cooking comes...
Fried rice that is quick, easy, and very flavorful. This recipe has been requested so many times by my family and friends I finally decided to place it on here for all to enjoy. Happy cooking!
Two of my roommates are Korean, so I threw this fried rice together for dinner. They loved it and it was so easy to make. Add a fried egg on top, if you like.